Blasian Womack
Throughout this pandemic, I have had a lot time to self reflect and reevaluate who I was as a person and how I could continue to grow in the various aspects of my life. This unique situation has translated my art simultaneously; as art is a tangible form of ones inner self expanding from a vast array of ideas, thoughts and emotions.
In this collection I will showcase perspective. A perspective from a space cowboy. A wanderer having the freedom to roam several environments while finding value in the things that he finds along the way while continuously and meticulously carving the path in front of him. This collection is a reminder to those to take comfort in this journey of life. To enjoy it, because the essence of life is about sharing memories along the way.
Blasian Womack is a New York based interdisciplinary artist with a focus in fashion
design. Inspired by the constant moving and adaptation of his childhood, his work is
concerned with combatting fast fashion. His design technique includes combining the
concepts of narrative and functionality to serve a user's purpose while connecting them to
a greater community. Blasian seeks to build this community by continuing to work with
friends and family throughout every project of his career with the ultimate goal of turning
his imagination into reality. This will not only ensure his success, but also the people
around him.