Kasey Riera
Welcome to The Pink Parade!

I am a curious person. I like to find out how things are made. I like adventure, to experience something new and get a little lost along the way. I am a hopeless romantic, who falls in love with the mere idea of things and places. I grew up reading Grimm’s stories and falling into the worlds of Lewis Carrol, immersing myself into the printed words and painted pictures on screens. These let me play the part of a glittering princess or curious adventure seeker. Over time, this character I crafted has developed with my own ever growing and changing personality. These stories change over time as well, from flights of fancy to learning lessons of personal growth and change. My character became more dynamic and well-rounded. I am still reading, exploring, and playing, but I am doing so with a purpose, with the knowledge of 21 years following my every step. I am an unfinished project, evolving myself and trying to push personal boundaries, see where I can go and what I can do.
My fanciful mind has carried through till this day and it is with this same mindset that I create. My work is built on a narrative. The inspiration can come from just about anywhere. Something I touched, something I saw, a pre-existing story that I wanted to make my own. Each piece and each outfit are made with a character, setting, themes in mind. Clothing is immensely powerful. You can transform your mood and way of thinking by the garment you wear for the day. My designs are meant for those who dress up for no apparent reason other than to celebrate the everyday. I make for those to tap into their femininity, their playfulness, their unfiltered joy. I want to see people wear my clothes and twirl and laugh, strut and pose, or go smash the patriarchy and rule in peace and grace. However you chose to live, I can only hope my work can help you become the main character of the story you write.