Taku Yhim
Something is hidden in a person's appearance, and someone who hides something, 'something' that modern society people protect themselves from other people prejudices. Prejudice begins with society, from the generalized beliefs and stereotypes; they are characterized by over-generalization, inaccurate thoughts, and wills that do not try to be around. This is expressed in enemy self-defense and is reassuring that it belongs to a group such as a particular race or social hierarchy, and as the attribution of the group increases, the consciousness of opposition and enemy as a confrontational group occurs. The positive aspect of stereotypes with negative aspects is that two kinds of appearances are embedded, but prejudice only shows negative aspects. The world without prejudice exists when people are in armor. I believe fashion could be armor in modern society.
Samurai's armor has a lot of interesting parts, and the armor gives the impression not only by the physical defense but also by showing its outer shape in multiple different forms, giving an opponent an incongruity. The mask was made in various shapes and the formation of animals and angry people, and it was interesting that the shape of the Mempo (Japanese armor face mask) was distributed on multiple groups throughout Japanese history and displayed in various forms. Samurai's armor is not just for protecting the body, but for raising their status, Samurai always had two swords, and one bag was thread-diverted. But after the war ended, the swords in the two bags were just for their symbolism, and they seemed to think very much of their symbolism. It is thought that the armor and masks during the war and the swords of the war are essential to how their appearance is accepted into society, and their armor and sword are considered to be psychological stability and confidence.

Taku Yhim completed the Fashion Design BFA program at Parsons School of Design. Taku designed only with a black material. The color inspiration is from the painting Black Square by Kazimir Malevich’s. Black represents the naiveness of the inspiration through the color. Taku challenged and studied mixed materials during the design process since Taku used only black in the design. Anarchos-genderism is one of Taku's design identities that does not confine any gender identity to the design. Everyone can wear the design.