Vivian Chen


“Balanced Tranquility: Tea Through the Looking Glass” is inspired by traditional tea ceremony in the asian culture, especially how tea serves as an element to unify different communities and the attentiveness to details among these ceremonies.

Time plays a big role in the collection. The specific moment of the liquid pouring has been a major inspiration for the collection; the collection seeks to capture the specific moment through the soft and fluid silhouettes of the garments.

Time also travels through the materiality decisions in the collection. Every detail of the tea ceremony seems simple, yet each element is selected with specific reasons through great amount of trial and error. Similarly, majority of the silhouettes in this collection is built with small shapes and silhouettes through intricate and timely materiality that builds up to the clothing.


Vivian Chen is a multi-disciplinary artist with extensive experiences in both photography and fashion design.

With designing she communicates imaginative stories and eclectic conceptual ideas, through the means practical garments. Simultaneously her photographies are a tool for her to wed her sense of awareness of the world and her surroundings. These photographies are then translated into editorials by her digital skillsets such as layout. She cultivates her creativity and approach design differently.

The combination of these different discipline is intimately unified through Vivian Chen’s creations and what brings her together as an unique individual.