The story behind this title starts with Jeremy, my only high school interviewee, he told me how even he is blind, but he has OCD of Color-matching.
With 300 pages of interview transcripts and hours of interview footage as references, this collection aims to educate: eliminate stereotypes towards visually impaired groups and show a multi-angle and in-depth image of the group. How can we re-interpret fashion, this most visual form of expression, into a message carrier of the visually impaired community is the core of our design challenge. Since last September, we have worked with 7 visually impaired individuals across 3 countries (the US, Canada, China), career varies from doctor / therapist / influencer / ice hockey player / drag queen / students.
The collection also aims to incorporates technology as medium to communicate information (text/video/audio) to the audience in future stage. Due to the complexity of this system, the thesis is the very beginning of a bigger picture, how to establish the "interaction" is what we will develop in the future as we accumulate more experience.
Some significant discoveries based on our conversations with the interviewee:
Blind people do SEE! Blind people do SEE! Blind people do SEE! Blind people do SEE!
Most of the Blind community are "legally blind,"which means the majority still have different levels of vision left, such as light perception and can see color.
They like colors!
Especially bright neon colors, but this can vary from individuals.
They have a life/They enjoy life!
They embrace fashion, makeup, skincare, coffee making, "watching" movies, doing sports, etc.
Blindness is not that away from everyone.
All it takes is one accident.
Special thanks to:
VV Su, currently a senior fashion design student from Parsons. During the 4 years, her most significant growth is transforming from using fashion to focus on environmental protection and social problems from purely conceptual level to practicalism, including but not limited to experiments and practices from these aspects: materials, design methods, and new systems. One can intuitively find that her discussion's core has always been directed towards rights, equality, sustainability, humanitarian issue, etc. Besides school projects, she had made PPE for local health care providers during the Covid-19 pandemic.